SEE Learning® stands for Social, Emotional and Ethical Learning

SEE Learning, an innovative K-12 education program, is a program of the Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics (CCSCBE) at Emory University.

It provides a universal and science-based approach to bringing the ethical development of the whole child into education.

SEE Learning expands on the field of social-emotional learning (SEL) by drawing from new developments in educational practice and scientific research.

What is SEE Learning®

SEE Learning® is an education program for kindergarten to grade 12, developed by Emory University’s Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics in Atlanta, USA.

It offers a high-quality curriculum and a framework for holistic development, grounded in scientific research and the latest educational practices.

The program was created with input from experts in developmental psychology, neuroscience, and education. It also reflects the vision of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who advocates for combining ethical and emotional growth in education through a universal, non-sectarian approach.

SEE Learning® builds on the best practices of social-emotional learning (SEL) developed by globally recognized experts like Dr. Daniel Goleman, Linda Lantieri, and Kimberly Schonert-Reichl. It also incorporates insights from organizational learning expert Peter Senge.

The program goes further by introducing new topics such as attention training, cultivating compassion for self and others, resiliency skills, systems thinking, and ethical discernment, preparing students for both academic and personal success.

Why SEE Learning®


Innovative and comprehensive framework – It includes 3 domains (Personal, Social and Systems) and 3 dimensions (Awareness, Compassion and Engagement)


Vital life skills for kids and adults. An important next step for schools


Grounded in the idea that education can, and indeed should, be expanded to foster values and competencies that lead to greater happiness for both individuals and society at large.


Incorporates the latest developments in trauma – informed care to provide a way for educators and students to explore emotions, self regulation, and reflective practices in the safest and most effective way.


Comprehensive focus on ethics – not based on a particular culture or religion, but rather one grounded in basic human values such as compassion.


Focused on increasing an awareness of interdependence and systems thinking

Focus of SEE Learning

The program offers educators a thorough framework and an engaging curriculum, designed to inspire students to participate ethically and compassionately as global citizens.

It is the product of a collaborative effort by an international team of curriculum developers, educators, and specialists in education, developmental psychology, and neuroscience.